Innovative biodiesel technologies
New biofuels market: from our proprietary advanced technology of biodiesel production for small and mid sized producers to biofuels market ecosystem on a trusted blockchain network.

Increase biofuels consumption is part of sustainable goals globally. EU, North America and Asia are target markets.
We are ready to meet growing transport fuel green demand.

For almost two years of R&D we achieved Laboratory proven technology (TRL4), ready to scale.
It can be implemented in a small units and uses various advanced raw materials for biodiesel production

All of our team members have outstanding experience in major oil&gas and consulting international companies - leaders of industrial segments, and well known chemical research centers.
Demand for biodiesel is a way higher than the offer
Biodiesel is an important component of decarbonisation programs
Production of fuel biocomponents should be doubled to 2025 (200 Mtoe) and tripled to 2030 (300 Mtoe), according Sustainable Development Scenario*
Existing technologies do not allow to produce biodiesel effective. Their CAPEX is too high or their operational margins are too low.
High defragmentation of small & medium sources of feedstock
Unlocking biofuels market

What we can offer to feedstock owners:
If your company has by-products or residues and wants to examine usage of it in biodiesel production, we can offer you an evaluation. It is absolutely free. As a result of the evaluation you will have conclusion of applicability of a feedstocks for production of biofuel with estimation of effectiveness and profitability.
Contact us for more information.
From technology to market ecosystem

Advanced biodiesel technology for small and mid-sized units with flexibility in advanced feedstock and low CAPEX. Innovations are in type of used chemical reactions, their conditions and catalysts. MVP-stage (laboratory proven, TRL4)

We extend biodiesel market and deliver the technology to numerous
potential industrial users all over the world who have wastes and residues suitable for biodiesel production.

Digital Ecosystem to unite small and medium-sized biomass producers, "light" biofuel producers and consumers

The platform will integrate all participants into one digital ecosystem.
We ensure traceability, quality control, transparency for biodiesel.
We give new generation IT tool for every user.

Our team
Our team has extensive experience in related industries

Contact us
We would be happy to discuss
+351 927 806 670
IPN Incubadora
R. Pedro Nunes Edifício C, 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal